One of the primary objectives of Quantum Photography® is to establish a continuum between the world of photo-realistic images and that of pictorial or abstract images.
This series continues this quest through the use of a new "process" that allows photographs to be used to deform others, producing a new kind of hybrid pictures that, depending on the subjects being photographed, can evoke either Salvator Dalí's soft watches or the deformed bodies of André Kertész's "Distorsions" series.
For the first time, this photographic series is also matched with a video, "A Lover's Barcarole", using the same process, in that case applied to each frame of the original video with time-varying parameters. The result is what might be described as an "animated painting", again taking forward the exploration of the relationship between still and animated images already explored in earlier works.
While the choice of black & white for still images was an obvious one, the video exploits the coexistence of black & white with color to create a kind of "emotional game of mirrors" in close connexion to the accompanying music.

Le lapin blanc

La Liberté guidant le peuple


Les bonbons

La grande faucheuse


Crime et Châtiment


White Satin



L'instant décisif
©2023 François J. Bourdoncle